Welcome to the show! We are so glad you are here because we know that you’re purpose matters and as you live from your heart it’s inevitable that you are going to create a life you love!
In these episodes, we will teach you how to access your intuition to “Speak” The Universal Language of Love & Serve another from your heart and to live your soul’s purpose.
Do you ever wonder what your calling is? Join us on a global movement to come together in the center of our hearts to be the change we wish to see in the world, to discover how to move forward into greater happiness, freedom, wealth, harmony and love together!
Hosted By

Intuitive Success Coach, Author & Speaker
Founder of Intuitive Success Coaching & Life Force Connection, Abby E. Gooch started her business when she was 19 yrs old, shortly after she felt called to leave her scholarship at a liberal arts college in the Los Angeles area to follow her intuition which was guiding her to inspire men, women and children to cultivate their inner knowing and heal and create the lives they desired. Within six months of transitioning from traditional college into her Holistic studies, Abby opened her first office in San Diego, CA where she started her private practice.
Working with people of all ages, Abby discovered that what she knew to be true for herself was also true for her clients in their ability to find their own answers by accessing their intuitive guidance. Using her intuition, NLP, Reiki and various other healing modalities, Abby helped her clients to release internal blocks and fears, revealing the truth within each person and situation.
Within a few years Abby’s practice grew into a wellness center offering services in massage, Yoga, intuitive workshops, readings, coaching and chakra balancing. All of these modalities brought greater peace to her clients resulting in a deeper connection and trust to their inner being.
After several years Abby decided to apply these same intuitive principles to business settings where she worked with clients one-on-one to improve their businesses and increase sales. The results were astounding and client experiences included immense increases of income, better relationships, and deeper connections to their soul’s purpose. LifeForceConnection.com

Marketing, Business & Intuitive Success Coach
Founder of Designflair, Alyssa Williamson has run her own graphic design, web design & marketing business because she loves helping other business owners grow. In addition, her journey into Mary Kay 3 years ago is where she gained confidence, supportive, encouraging female friends, a few diamonds and a passion to work with women leaders and business owners. She loves helping women live their greatest lives by developing their confidence in themselves and their business.
Her expertise in branding & marketing as well as skincare & cosmetics gives her the unique background to help business women work to their strengths and develop their own brand.
Women are strong and we should focus on our strengths, rather than comparing ourselves to men, or even each other’s strengths. Every woman’s definition of badass is different, but every woman has it within her.
Alyssa works with women so that we can support each other and raise each other up to live our best lives. AlyssaWilliamson.com
Join us for the global movement of transformation through the power of LOVE… purchase the online course for just $97/month and give back to One Heart Global, our non-profit for kids around the world to have the resources, intuitive education and support to live lives they love! Go to (link to page with the product on it).
The Universal Language of LOVE Home Study Course includes daily emails, weekly online classes and monthly support on our FEEL THE LOVE Monthly Calls! Discover how to activate, use, and follow your intuition to live a life you love and make a HUGE positive impact on our world!
Sign up here for the Universal Language of LOVE Home Study Course
Featured Speakers…

Margot Schulman
Margot Schulman is an Activist, Author, Facilitator and Love, Sex & Relationship Coach with over 16 years of experience coaching individuals to create peace, freedom and love in their lives. Margot specializes in helping people build a rock solid foundation of trust, acceptance and love for themselves and then walk that outwards to exponentially expand the joy and ease they experience in every close relationship in their lives.
Known as the “Love Activist” and as the founder of the Choose Love Movement, Margot is the author of “Choose Love: A Simple Path to Healthy, Joyful Relationships.” Margot is a sought after Speaker and Facilitator who has lead a TEDx Talk. She is the creator of the “Turn Up Your Turn On” and “Break Free From Unhealthy Patterns in Sexuality, Love and Relationships” workshops. Margot began her activist work by launching the non-profit FareGround community cafe, a pay-what-you-can pop up restaurant. Passionate about expanding access to nutritional, healthy local food, Margot also ran The Lunch Box, a community meal program aimed at combating the food waste epidemic. A graduate of Columbia University, Margot is certified as a Sex, Love and Relationship Coach, a Holistic Health Counselor and a Shake Your Soul Dance Teacher. Margot has been a guest lecturer at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, a facilitator at the Rise Gathering, Empowered You and ‘Treat retreats, a workshop leader at The Assemblage and Firefly Yoga, and a speaker at the “Get What You Want Summit” with Dr. Heather Clark. www.mindfulbadasscoaching.com

P.J. is a Lifelong Motivational Speaker, and an International Transformational Coach—who focuses on results!
Despite his disability, which was expected to take his life by 7, he chose to live, and live well! P.J. truly lives an extraordinary life: sailing, outdoor skydiving, indoor skydiving, trapezing, ziplining, hiking, mountain climbing, snow skiing, water skiing, aqua jetpacking, and the list goes on!
He’s a former wheelchair athlete, international traveler, amateur watercolorist, founder of two non-profit organizations and four disabled sports programs, a published author, 10th degree black belt, martial arts and women’s self-defense instructor, and a meditation teacher.
Additionally, P.J. has been inducted into the National Hall of Fame for People with Disabilities and was nominated to carry the Olympic Torch through Tucson in 2002. www.PJswisdom.com

Roya Mattis
Roya Mattis did not set out to build her life’s work helping women. She describes the last 17 years as a ‘divine appointment’ she did not expect. Roya’s career in direct sales has taken her to achieving a level currently held by approximately 225 women Nationwide.
Roya invested heavily as a Platinum Partner with the Tony Robbins’ organization, attending every workshop including those not available to the general public. Additional workshops with Brendon Buchard and coaching school and is a body language enthusiast.
As a life and sales coach and a speaker, her primary question is, ‘how can I make a difference to others’? Roya believes that the time has come for the 3rd phase of the female revolution in the US. The first phase was suppression. 2nd was liberation to want to do it all and be it all. In working intimately with women and having struggled with many of these issues herself, she believes this has been a slight ‘miss’ leaving many women feeling unsatisfied, frustrated, guilty, and stressed out. “We feel trapped by our own freedom. It’s time to UNIFY a woman’s complete sense of self. UNIFY women to advocate for each other women and UNIFY women with men. I call this SHE-ness” says Roya. SHE-ness is fresh, sexy, healthy and confident. It’s the realization of ones own UNIQUE ‘she’. www.she-ness.com

Ora Nadrich
Ora Nadrich is founder and president of the Institute for Transformational Thinking and author of Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity. A certified life coach and mindfulness teacher, she specializes in transformational thinking, self-discovery, and mentoring new coaches as they develop their careers. Contact her at theiftt.org

Aarti Awatramani
Aarti Awatramani is an Intuitive Health Coach, Shaman, and the founder of Intuitively Well (intuitivelywell.com), a platform devoted to liberating women from the cloud of chronic health conditions, excess weight, and hormonal imbalances that prevent them from living life rooted in their power and beauty.
Through the integration of mind, body, and spirit healing modalities, Aarti creates space for her clients to peel back the layers of their physical dis-ease. First through proper nourishment and lifestyle adjustments, and then through the unearthing of the root cause of imbalance. She received her health coaching certification from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, her Pilates certification from the Kane School, and Shamanism training through Ancientways Shamanic Training and Healing. Aarti currently lives in New York City and works with clients all over the world.

Andrea Owen
Andrea Owen is an author, mentor, and professional certified life coach who helps high-achieving women let go of perfectionism, control, and isolation and choosing courage and confidence instead. She has helped thousands of women manage their inner-critic to create loving connections and live their most kick-ass life.
She is the proud author of How To Stop Feeling Like Shit: 14 Habits That Are Holding You Back From Happiness (Seal Press/Hachette Books) which has been translated into 18 languages, as well as her inaugural book, 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life: BS Free Wisdom to Ignite Your Inner Badass and Live the Life You Deserve, (Adams Media/Simon & Schuster).
When she’s not juggling her full coaching practice or hosting retreats, Andrea is busy riding her Peloton bike, chasing her 11-year-old son and 9-year-old daughter or making out with her husband, Jason. She is also a retired roller derby player having skated under the name “Veronica Vain”.
Learn more about Andrea at http://yourkickasslife.com and join the fun and wisdom at http://facebook.com/yourkickasslife and http://instagram.com/yourkickasslife.

Shivany Gonell
Shivany Gonell is s a highly sought-after women’s empowerment coach, spiritual business coach, master energy healer, psychic, inspirational speaker, co-author of “The Book of Inspiration for Women by Women” and has been featured on Self Discovery Radio and New Human Living and on the Kat Kanavos TV Show.
She also has her own weekly Youtube show called “the Soulview” that she hosts together with 2 women rock stars.
She is an expert on personal and spiritual transformation and helps women entrepreneurs all over the world live their Soul’s calling in business and life, using the Akashic Records as a grounded tool in order to get information on who you are at Soul level.
She lives in Far North Queensland, Australia where the rainforest meets the Great Barrier Reef and when she is not on Zoom mentoring her clients she is often spotted frolicking with her Rhodesian Ridgeback Akash on the beach.

Angelia (Angie) LaRue
Angie is a Master Crystologist, Healer, Ordained Reverend, Medical Intuitive, Medical Innovator, Psychic, Teacher, Reiki Master & Manufacturer of Orgone Energy Generators
On December 9th 2011, at 2:00pm in the afternoon Angie had a radical spontaneous Awakening of Consciousness, while going about an ordinary Hawaiian day as a Professional Artist and housewife. It happened on a business call while on her way into the kitchen to get a drink of water.
Within 3 months, her life in Hawaii abruptly ended and she was thrust out onto the road to learn with Spirit as her Teacher with only two suitcases. She was reeling from the full explosion of psychic abilities, and the sudden awareness of subtle energy. Full blown empathic skills, with heavy cording to many others and the ability to see multidimensionally which had turned her life into utter chaos, dissolving her previous life and twenty-year marriage in a rapid domino effect.
She would spend the next 3 years living out of a suitcase, navigating by the quiet whisper of Spirit as she unlearned and re-remembered. It was a time of epic heights of bliss and depths of devastating suffering as the egoic structure was humbled and Spirit retrained the body and mind.
5 years from the awakening day she landed the whole experience on the tarmac of the 3D and began Service through Love to Others.
Her Service now includes many offerings, energy blueprints and ways to help people evolve their consciousness. She helps people increase their Love quota and move from 3D awareness to 5D awareness. Angie is a healer of the Body, Mind and Spirit. She also manufacturers tools and items to assist those on the Path to higher levels of consciousness.

Michel Jones
Michele’s unwavering focus and inexhaustible passion for helping people has driven her achievement of multiple qualifications across different coaching methodologies, making her a supremely qualified and highly sought after International Professional Master Coach with thousands of hours of experience in changing lives.
As the Creator and Founder of the global ‘Live Your Best Life’ (aka LYBLTM) business & life empowerment programs, Michele brings over 25 years of experience in business strategy, leadership, coaching, consulting, training, mentoring and supporting others to design, create & live their very best life – a life that they truly desire – a life on their terms.
Creator & Founder of LYBL (Live Your Best Life) – Business and Life Empowerment Programs

Megan Fenyoe
Did you know that there is a world-wide epidemic going on at the moment? It’s the belief that we are not enough.
Megan Fenyoe is an Air Force Veteran, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist (LCSW), Speaker and Trainer, Host of The Blonde Bombshell Podcast and I Am Enough TV and Founder of the international I Am Enough Movement which is a 501c(3) Non-Profit Organization.
She is an Amazon Best Selling Author and recently published her book You Are Enough: 5 Steps To Move From Struggle To Strength. She has been featured on SiriusXM Radio including the Jenny McCarthy show as well as over300 TV/Radio Shows and podcasts.
Megan has gone through many struggles throughout her life most recently being involved in a narcissistic abusive marriage. She was left traumatized and this is when she began questioning if she was enough. For many years she was living a life without meaning and purpose.
Megan’s life began to change when she finally said yes to herself and walked away from the abuse. She has successfully transformed every area of her life using her proven 5 Step System and is now am living a vibrant, beautiful life. A life where she truly believes she is enough.
Megan focuses on cognitive restructuring and reality testing thoughts as well as a host of other Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques (CBT). She has a sustained commitment to facilitating positive transformation and human-to-human connection with each person she works with.
Megan’s passion and purpose is to help you (1) build confidence, (2) find clarity in getting what you truly want in life (3) get inspired to take action towards building the life of your dreams, and (4) empower you to believe you are enough!

Elizabeth Locey
Elizabeth Locey, Oracle + Ph.D. is an author, teacher, wayshower, crystal adept, trained priestess, and Akashic Records channel. She left a successful career as a tenured professor of French + Women’s Studies in 2010 to do the more important work of holding the portal open for the shift in planetary consciousness.
A new Feminine leadership is called for in the world today, and Elizabeth is thrilled to be a midwife in this movement.
Elizabeth helps clients to see who they–and their businesses–truly are at the divine essence level, and then to bring that into breathtaking material form.
At her core, Elizabeth stands for truth, freedom, justice, equality, and an end to oppression of all kinds. In a word, she stands for LOVE.
Elizabeth’s books include The Pleasures of the Text: Violette Leduc and Reader Seduction from her academic past, as well as dozens of articles on Women Writers and filmmakers of the Francophone world. In her new iteration, she is a contributing author to a number of best-sellers, including The Power of Being a Woman, Conversations that Make a Difference, and Village Pearls: Sacred Practices to Nourish Your Soul.

Amanda Elo’Esh
Amanda Elo’Esh is an international speaker, author of “Unlock Your Success Code,” and the “Go Ask Alice Oracle & Tea Party Game.” She is San Francisco’s leading spiritual success mentor, who helps sacred rebels to deprogram the trauma from their subconscious with Subconscious Success Repatterning and Plant Medicine Ceremonies.
She holds a double Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology & Expressive Arts Therapy from California Institute of Integral Studies, and has shared her gifts as an expert in her field in Auroville India, Europe, and New Zealand as well as California Pacific Medical Center, California Institute for Integral Studies, and Google.
Amanda is Founder & Director of the Living Wisdom School, and a shamanic healer, recognized for bridging science and spirituality for a phenomenal 100% success rate with her clients.
Amanda leads shamanic healing retreats into the Amazon and works with people around the world including thought leaders and people of influence to break free from survival programming and live their Noble Purpose.

Kristyn Caetano
Kristyn Caetano, MPH & CHt is an international Business Coach and
Certified Hypnotherapist. She teaches spiritual entrepreneurs, coaches,
and healers to build profitable businesses that give back, through her
1:1 mentorship programs, retreats, group mastermind experiences, and
immersive online courses.
Her unique approach combines effective, practical business-building
strategies WITH powerful healing tools (and lots of love) to help her
clients overcome blocks, find clarity, and create success.
She is also a travel junkie (45+ countries and counting!), avid hiker,
and tea lover.

Elizabeth Wood
Considered an advanced psychic seer and remote viewer, Elizabeth Wood works on the cutting edge of galactic and quantum anthropology. She has spent her life studying anthropological theory, quantum physics, ancient and modern medicine and futurism. Her philosophies and practices bridge science and spirituality to support real change in the world.

Michael Jasilewicz Jr
Michael Jasilewicz Jr is a former VP of Operations/Founder for Titan Brands and Leadership Trainer for a billion dollar company turned sales and marketing keynote speaker and marketing strategist.
Michael earned Airman of the Year in the United States Air Force, was Restaurateur of the Year in Las Vegas, NV, and has opened more than two-dozen restaurants, bars and nightclubs.
His super powers are monetizing business through fluff-free direct response marketing that gets measurable results, service and profit generation.
He works with sales and marketing teams and business owners to improve marketing results, increase productivity through systems and automation, and launch campaigns that convert.

Desirée C A Saffrie
Desirée C A Saffrie is a Universal Heart-trained Oneness Coach who developed the gift of mirroring back to others the remembrance of SELF, which will reconnect you to your Soul’s Path and Life’s Purpose.
Life taught her how to journey back into the home of her heart and from here receive the gift and birthright of Universal Unconditional Love. She now shares this Awareness and Energy with all she meets from the Soul.
It is her deepest desire that every living being may fully experience their true nature and purpose for being in this lifetime, for we are all meant to experience our full capacity to Love and share our Inner Light of Wisdom.

Angela Barnett
Angela is the founder of Pretty Smart, a talk for teens to help them see the best in themselves, past what the media portrays. Pretty smart is now growing into a movement, for all ages, to change how we’re judged on appearance—and instead be celebrated for all that we are.
Visit her site at Pretty Smart